Back to furtado via kaldor and thirlwall: Heterodox theories of growth as a support for the resumption of the furtadian focus of the regional issue


  • André Luís Cabral de Lourenço University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
  • Márcia Maria de Oliveira Bezerra University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
  • Marconi Gomes da Silva University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
  • William Eufrasio Nunes Pereira University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN



Regional Question. Celso Furtado. Heterodox Growth Theories. Kaldor. Thirlwall.


This paper aims to present and compare the heterodox growth theories for open economies of Thirlwall and Kaldor to assess how they can contribute as an element of interpretation of the Brazilian heterodox regional economic literature. The hypothesis of the paper is that the lack of autonomy to formalize the internal borders between regions of a country does not constitute an obstacle for the trade effects between them to generate situations characterized by balanceof-payments-constraints, imposing limits to the expansion of their economies and in these processes unleashing polarization mechanisms regarding their growth rates. It is concluded that the literature below justifies the reestablishment of Furtado’s perspective as a key to the interpretation and treatment of regional problems in Brazil.

Biografia do Autor

André Luís Cabral de Lourenço, University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Federal University of Rio
Grande do Norte (UFRN); Member of the Group for Study and Research in Political Economy of Development (GE-EPD).

Márcia Maria de Oliveira Bezerra, University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN

Associate Professor, Department of
Economics UFRN; Member of GEEPD.

Marconi Gomes da Silva, University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN

Associate Professor, Department of
Economics UFRN; Member of GEEPD.

William Eufrasio Nunes Pereira, University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN

Associate Professor, Department of
Economics UFRN; Member of GEEPD.




Como Citar

de Lourenço, A. L. C., Bezerra, M. M. de O., da Silva, M. G., & Pereira, W. E. N. (2016). Back to furtado via kaldor and thirlwall: Heterodox theories of growth as a support for the resumption of the furtadian focus of the regional issue. Revista Econômica Do Nordeste, 43(2), 325–340.


